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Jacqueline Cioffa was an international model for 17 years and celebrity makeup artist. She is a dog lover, crystal collector and Stone Crab enthusiast. Her work has been featured in Brainstorms, the Anthology and numerous literary magazines. Living with manic depression, Jacqueline is an advocate for mental health awareness. She’s a storyteller, observer, essayist, potty mouth and film lover who’s traveled the world.

THE VAST LANDSCAPE her soul stirring, Contemporary Urban Fiction Bestseller debut explores the universal depths of the human experience.

Fans of the emotional, heartfelt first novel will not be able to put GEORGIA PINE, the anticipated sequel down.




“I write the dark, so I can live in the light.”   Jacqueline Cioffa

Contact via email:

Connect with Jacqueline Cioffa:

Author Site: http://jacquelinecioffa.com

Bleeding Ink with Feminine Collective: http://www.femininecollective.com/jacqueline-cioffa/

GOOGLE+: https://plus.google.com/+JacquelineCioffa

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/JackieCioffa

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/authorjackiecioffa/

GOODREADS: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7755032.Jacqueline_Cioffa

AMAZON AUTHOR PAGE: https://www.amazon.com/Jacqueline-Cioffa/e/B00H4EZKVE


8 thoughts on “About”

  1. So interesting you are, Jacqueline! I too, am a metal health advocate, knowing first hand much more than I wish I did concerning the topic. But then, knowledge is power, isn’t it? Blessings to you.


      1. Jackie: I know how you feel I was nominated for a couple of awards before and wasn’t sure I wanted to go there or I was worthy or wanted to inject this into my blog but I decided it is cool and thought ok lets give it a try. I don’t care if I win. Just like I really don’t care about my numbers but…… Hugs back. You are contributing something of great value letting us know a little more about who you are will add to I understanding and interest.


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