Harnessing The Madness – Jacqueline Cioffa

Harnessing The Madness   Hush, little mama Dry your acrid, bittersweet, woeful tears   Don’t you cry, pretty mama Your darling, happy, freckle-face baby is struggling, fevered, and …

Source: Harnessing The Madness – Jacqueline Cioffa

Dear Nicole,

Thank you, for the grand honour to be on The Lithium Chronicles once again with ‘Harnessing the Madness.’ This piece is as close to how I feel in my heart about my mother, and our journey together through the battle that is Mental Illness. She is my warrior, as are you dear friend…Thank you for throwing me a life raft, and your support of my writing, and me. It means the world.

You are a treasure and a sparkling, strong quartz, and fire red powerful, Bloodstone gem. Trust me, the pleasure is all mine. I am enjoying watching your soar with your writing as well as saving so many with your advocacy.

From my Bleeding Ink heart to yours, always…



Stephanie, I adore you. Thank you for your support, friendship, strength, beautiful strength, advocacy, and resilience. You are the real deal, mom, friend, mother and original badass. Harrison approves.

Thank you, asshole. Truly, wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness.

XX Jackie


Harrison’s back with a new look, nip and tuck, and bonus chapter. She and Jacqueline Cioffa have returned to the Cove, where the magic begins.

The Vast Landscape by Jacqueline Cioffa has a new dreamy, beach look, cover design by Yosbe Design Studio complete with revisions, blurbs and bonus chapters.

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The Vast Landscape

by Jacqueline Cioffa

Genre: Literary Fiction

Cover Design by: https://www.facebook.com/yosbedesign


Bold contemporary fiction, THE VAST LANDSCAPE shares one woman’s journey filled with doubt, mistrust, fame, and self-discovery. Join Harrison on her quest to find inner peace despite the harrowing obstacles placed in her way. Will she succeed in stripping away her complex armor to unmask the flawed, beautiful, and strong iconoclast kept hidden for so long?

Honest to a fault, Jacqueline Cioffa creates a challenging love story sparkling with narrative originality.


“Once I freed it up to be fiction,” she said, “Harrison could go anywhere. I had…

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Depression Preparation Plans

Nicole Lyons

Being a Mom is tough, wonderful, but tough. Being a mom who sometimes becomes overwhelmed with depression and anxiety is exceptionally tough. Most moms that I know personally struggle with thoughts of “how bad am I screwing up my kids?” These are common questions that the most loving and caring mothers think, usually on daily basis. The funny thing is that we know we are amazing moms. Throw depression into the mix and pack your bags because we are going on a guilt trip.

Back in October I was thrown into a pretty intense state of depression. It was a combination of a smoking cessation medication, time of year, and an extended family issue.

A few weeks prior to this I has been feeling great when my youngest daughter brought home a permission slip for a field trip. Not only did I sign it but I also volunteered to chaperone…

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Extended deadline & lower submission fee for the Able in This Diverse Universe essay contest

#Writers call: Able in this Diverse Universe http://bit.ly/1PIb8cf #writing contest! To benefit a boy and his therapy dog. Deadline extended! 3/31 #pettherapy

Karrie higgins

If you have been thinking about submitting to the Able in this Diverse Universe essay contest, I have good news. The deadline has been extended to March 31st, and the submission fee has been dropped to $10. EEEEK, what are you waiting for?

Everything else remains the same: submit up to 2,000 words of nonfiction on ableism, disability, access, and overcoming.

I am very open to experimental writing and to non-traditional definitions of nonfiction, so get speculative if you want. Push the boundaries. Or not. Traditional is good, too. I am also excited about diverse interpretations of the themes.

All submissions are read with no identifying information, so don’t hold back. It’s a win-win. Help Noah get his therapy dog, and maybe win a cash prize for your writing, too!

My co-judges are amazing: neuroscientist and writer Dr. Kwame Brown, mental wellness writer and former international model Jackie Cioffa, Art Saves Lives International director and artist Charlotte…

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I am nothing if not my word.